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Scottish industry comes together to safeguard the future of NABS


By The Drum Team, Editorial

April 29, 2002 | 2 min read

Giles Brooksbank, a director of Feather Brooksbank, and a number of other high-profile members of the Scottish media industry are putting together a NABS committee in Scotland to promote the May Day Pay Day initiative.

The May Day Pay Day initiative aims to safeguard the future of the National Advertisers Benevolent Society, the only charity in the UK to give aid to those working in the communications industry.

It costs £2m a year to keep NABS operating, with most of that money being raised through industry events and charitable donations. However, figures suggest that this year the charity will show a £300,000 shortfall on that amount, throwing the charities continued existence into severe doubt.

The May Day Pay Day scheme is asking people working in the industry to donate a single day’s wages on 6 May to NABS. If everyone working in the industry signs up to the initiative then NABS will be able to continue supporting those in the industry.

Brooksbank, along with Paul Elborn and Barbara Moyses and Guy Robertson, of The Guy Robertson Partnership, are spearheading the Scottish May Day Pay Day push and Brooksbank is appealing for people in Scotland to donate just one days wage to the cause.

He said: “If things keep going the way they are then NABS will run out of money in four years. We’re trying to get a committee together in Scotland to promote NABS in Scotland on a more regular basis and we need the help of the whole industry.”

To sign up to May Day Pay Day visit


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