Client: Old Spice
Date: Feb 2019
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Old Spice ads are endearingly strange, but the latest effort by Wieden+Kennedy São Paulo in Brazil and Old Spice is as odd as it is long. In fact, it’s endless, which has earned the ad a Gunness World Record.

The brand and agency have created the first endless spot in history – one commercial, inside another and another, that turns into an endless ad. According to Old Spice, the video will be on air for eternity at (if you dare).

The film, promoting Old Spice’s Durascent technology, was aired for 14 hours on the Woohoo channel, becoming longest continuous campaign in television history. The record granted the client and the agency into the Guinness Book. The reason for the never-ending length was to drive home the point that the “commercial lasts as long as the new Old Spice amazing fragrance. Watch responsibly,” says a warning label from the ‘Institute of Manly Fragrance’ at the beginning of the film.

The ad, titled ‘O Filme Infinito (Endless Commercial)’ features the participation of actor and brand ambassador Terry Crews, along with aliens, historic figures, bar patrons and various other characters. In a shortened version, a series of quick cuts. It starts with a man in the bathroom spraying the scent on him, with the VO and tag of “Smell amazing forever with the new Old Spice.” Pan out to a couple of guys on a couch watching the ad who then turn to the camera and become pitchmen themselves. Cut to a man in a bar with a can of the scent, saying that it saved his marriage. Cut to a guy laughing at that ad at home. Cut to two aliens in a ship watching that commercial and laughing. Cut to two Renaissance artists in a mountain field with a cow, with a painting of the alien ship and a can of Old Spice. Cut to Terry Crews getting the scent sprayed on him by mini-Terry Crews. Cut to…you get the picture. The quick ads then repeat themselves, but mash different characters into each scene until it becomes confusing.


Titulo/Title: "O Filme Infinito"

Duração/Duration 1x3' + 1x2' + Website Endless

Cliente/Client Old Spice

Produto/Product Old Spice Tecnologia Durascent

Ano de Produção/Year of Production 2018

Agência/Agency Wieden + Kennedy São Paulo

Diretores Executivos de Criação/Executive Creative Directors Eduardo Lima e Renato Simões

Diretores de Criação/Creative Directors Bruno Oppido , Caio Mattoso, Rodrigo Mendes

Head of Art Bruno Oppido

Diretor de Criação Digital/Digital Creative Director

Redator/Copywriter Rafael Melo

Diretor de Arte/Art Director Felipe Paiva, Jose Ferraz

RTV/Agency Producer Regiani Pettinelli, Fernanda Moura, Jin Park

Produtor Digital/Digital Producer Mauricio Junior, Ricardo Barbin

Produtora Digital/Digital Production Company Slikland

Atendimento/Account Isabel Rudge, Bruno Capasso

Planejamento/Planner Gui Pasculli, Marcelo Chabes, Thiago Luan, Henrique Kobayashi , Felipe Zyman

Mídia/Media Alexandre Ugadin, Caio Melo, Guilherme Salgueiro, Liese Lemee

Aprovação Cliente/Client Approval Isabel Pimentel, Clarissa Cayedo, Vitor Fernandes, Alan Chernovetzky, Natalia Passarinho

Produtora/Production Company CONSPIRAÇÃO

Diretor/Director Fernando Nogari

Diretor Executivo/Executive Director Luciana Mattar e Patrick Petry

Diretor de Fotografia/Director of Photography Daniel Belinky

Diretor/ Coordenador de Produção/ Production Director Cris Moura

Assistente de Coordenação/ Production Assistant Vinicius Arantes e Bruna Brito

Atendimento Produtora/ Account - Production Company Felipe Rangel

Head of Project Management Larissa Luisi

Assistente de Direção/ Assistant Director Luciana Waszak

Diretor de Arte/Art Director Pedro Catellani "Bolo"

Figurino/ Costume Allan Gandhi

Coordenador de Pós Produção / VFX Producer Junior Braz

Finalizador/ Marcelo Barbosa

Montador/Editor Akira Guilherme

Supervisor de Efeitos/ Special Effects Supervisor Kadu Luca / Ricardo da Costa / Luis Tadeu

Artistas de Composição / Art Composing Kadu Luca / Ricardo da Costa / Luis Tadeu / Juan Camejo / Rogerio Merlino

Motion Designer Lika Miyuki / Guilherme Valente / Anderson Tavares

Correção de Cor / Color Grading Bleach

Produtora de Som/ Audio Facility LOUD

Sound Effects & Mix Equipe LOUD

Trilha - Produção/Soundtrack Production Equipe LOUD

Atendimento Produtora de Som/Account - Audio Production House Edu Bernardo

Locutor/Announcer Brasil: Tata Guarnieri / Latam:Daniel Cubillo