Client: Frontline
Date: Dec 2019
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World Aids Day occurs annually on 1 December. As a combined 25th anniversary and to mark World Aids Day 2019, Frontline Aids approached Tilt to create a truly emotive film that would represent the severity of the situation, but also to celebrate great progress and communicate the growing wave of optimism that exists today.

To date, Frontline Aids has been consistently bold with their messaging and were willing to embrace an unconventional approach to their brief that would enable them to stand out from other charities attempting to attract donations.

Frontline AIDS associates from across the world lent their voices to tell the story of how the epidemic has changed from the 80s until the present day. The misconception that AIDS is over still pervades and the most marginalised people across the world are the ones paying the price for that false belief.


Copywriter - Paul Mallaghan

Director - Harry Osborne / Tristan Vanger

Producer - Linnea Soderholm & Ivor Sims