Client: Hapa Sushi
Date: Feb 2018
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Restaurant chain Hapa Sushi is utilizing unedited Trump tweets to remind people to enjoy a good delicious meal while we all still can.

The campaign, created by TDA_Boulder showed diners original tweets from president Donald Trump with the message: “Eat well before it all ends.”

TDA_Boulder’s executive creative director, Jonathan Schoenberg said: “Unfortunately, our president is Trump. Fortunately, he makes a joke out of himself so we don’t have to. We decided to use his tweets as a scary indication that the world as we know it might end under his power. But, let’s eat some really good sushi before it does.”


Client: Hapa Sushi

Agency: TDA_Boulder

Art Director- Ande Eich

Copywriter- Zola Owsley, Donald Trump

Creative Directors: Jeremy Seibold, Alex Rice

Executive Creative Director: Jonathan Schoenberg

Director Client Services: Christi Tucay Clark

Assistant AE: Martha Powers:

Account Coordinator: Brook Hemze

Media Director: Samantha Johnson

Media Supervisor: Heather Lee