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Space City Productions was tasked by the British Heart Foundation to showcase the Heart Matters Magazine, which would ultimately act as the conduit for gathering the information necessary to increase the charity's data pool.

Delivering a live-action-shoot and animated combination, the concept centred on delivering a showcase of the services, looking to emotive resonance and information as opposed to persuasion.

In order to convey the ease of access and versatility the charity desired, all of the eclectic means of reading the magazine were conveyed separately. This concluded the 30-second campaign, which featured an unambiguous call-to-action, with a focus on gaining the consumers trust through emotion at the core of the advert.


Greg Simmons - director - Space City Productions

Nadia Matthews - producer - Space City Productions

Justin Jolly - assistant producer - Space City Productions

Victor Van Amerongen - creative director - Space City Productions