The Drum Awards Festival - Extended Deadline

-d -h -min -sec

Agency: Rosapark
Date: Apr 2016
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Rosapark’s recently launched film “The Witness”, featuring the song “Exit Music” donated by Radiohead, is a continuation of their collaboration with the NGO Innocence in Danger, and their joint efforts to raise awareness for sexual aggression. The Parisian agency’s previous creations for the organization both won awards and helped promote this all-­‐important cause.

The film depicts a little girl in her room as she is being tucked into bed by an adult, one who is clearly a close relative or family friend. A stuffed bear sits on a nearby dresser and, as the camera pans onto him, we see a tear slowly form in the corner of his eye and roll down his cheek. The clip’s subtlety, however, leaves nothing to imagination and the audience is easily able to interpret the hell the young girl must be experiencing. The film ends with the tagline “He can’t talk. You can”, followed by France’s national hotline.

The only sound throughout the film, Radiohead’s “Exit Music” accompanies the movement of the camera, giving the film an extra dimension and further intensity. In fact, the band was so moved by the cause, they donated the rights to their song and refused any compensation.


Co-Founders: Jean-Patrick Chiquiarm Gilles Ficteberg, Jean-Francois Sacco

Creative Director: Mark Forgan, Jamie-Edward Standen

Additional Credits: Account Director/TV Producer: Fanelie Martin

Film Production: Production Company: Troopers

Director: Josh Patrick Dawson

Producer: Amandine Le Drappier

Sound Production: Grabuge Productions

Music: Radiohead – Exit Music

Innocence in Danger Campaign Coordinator: Dr. Gilles Iazimi