Agency: Rankin
Date: Jul 2019
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Creative agency Rankin has teamed up with Switchboard, LGBT+ Helpline, to launch a three-part, national campaign that will help spread the word of Switchboard’s ‘Safe Space’ to LGBTQ+ people in all corners of the country, especially areas with poor representation or high incidence of hate crimes.

The new campaign launched by Rankin and Switchboard aims to reach people affected by these crimes and other LGBTQ+ issues, letting them know that Switchboard is a ‘Safe Space’ that they can reach out to.

The campaign coincides with Pride London and will plaster buses, billboards, magazines and more. The campaign includes some of the questions the Switchboard volunteers are most commonly asked, such as “How can I come out if I’m not sure what I identify as?” and “Where can I meet people like me?”.


Rankin Group

Executive Creative Director - Rankin

Researcher - Lily Mcgonigal

Strategist - Laura Cooper

Creative & Art Director - Julia Salotti

Creative Assistant - Jam Steward

Designer - Omer Agustina

Writer - Madeline Isaac

Producer - Jordan Rossi


Co-chair - Natasha Walker

Trustee - Nicholas Smith

Trustee & Listening Volunteer - Ella Goschalk