The Drum Awards Festival - Extended Deadline

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Agency: Rankin
Date: Nov 2019
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Rebel photographer, Rankin, has joined forces with British screenwriter Richard Curtis, to help Extinction Rebellion make a big statement as the forthcoming general election looms closer.

On the ominous date of Friday 13 December, the UK will decide in whom’s hands it will place the future of the country. And while it will be fought on multiple issues, climate change will be an important topic of discussion.

Six months since the UK Parliament declared an Environment and Climate Emergency, spurred on by Extinction Rebellion's protests, the environmental protest group is urging parliamentarians and political parties to come clean on how they will face the emergency with the hashtag - #WhereIsYourPlan.

Directed by Jordan Rossi for Rankin, in a series of short clips starring a number of famous faces, the film intends to give a voice to every generation so that it represents a whole lifetime.

The film features the likes of Simon Amstell, Ellie Goulding, Daisy Lowe, Jaime Winstone and Imelda Staunton, who all make an emotive demand to governments for their plans to address the emergency.

Discussing the campaign, Gail Bradbrook, co-founder of Extinction Rebellion said: “If the British Government were to cut carbon emissions within the so-called carbon budget we have, we would need to go from 1.5% annual cut to about 24%. That needs a serious plan. Our children, our future and our wildlife need our Government to step up and face reality. “