The Drum Awards Festival - Extended Deadline

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Date: May 2018
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Women face many more challenges in the business world, especially when it comes to entrepreneurship. Women entrepreneurs receive only 7% of venture capital raised each year, 14% of loans and 5% of government grants, according to Knowing this, a new Forbes Brazil magazine campaign chose to tackle that head-on with help from Ogilvy Brazil’s partnership.

‘Forbes Women II,’ the second part of a campaign begun in 2017, brings female versions of some of the most iconic billionaires on its list. The point is that if some billionaires were women, their respective companies wouldn’t exist and they would be clients of their competitors, due to the lack of incentives, a reflection of sexism in the workforce.

To illustrate that insight, the ads present female versions of three of today’s top entrepreneurs – Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s founder, receiving a package from Ebay, the female version of Elon Musk, of Tesla, driving a Toyota Prius, and the female version of Larry Page, Google’s co-founder, accessing Yahoo.


Agency: Ogilvy Brazil

Client: Forbes Brazil Magazine

Campaign: Forbes Women II

CEO/President Ogilvy Brazil Group: Fernando Musa

Creative Vice-President: Claudio Lima

Executive Creative Director: Félix del Valle

Creative Director: Eduardo Doss

Copywriter: Guilherme Moreira, Marcos Botelho and Phylippe Moura

Art Directors: João Alexandre and Guga Bittencourt

Art Buyer: Francini Santiago

Media Director: Betânia Aragão

Account Director: Juliana Fernandes

Approval: Antonio Camarotti

Photograph Studio: Rodrigo Ribeiro

Illustration Studio: Notan