Client: Oatly
Date: Feb 2021
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Oatly has launched its first European-wide creative campaign that asks one very simple question: 'Are You Stupid?'

The creative is in response to 'Amendment 171 (AM 171)' - which calls for heavy restrictions on plant-based dairy, and is supported by the European Dairy Association who are claiming that current packaging and marketing guidelines are 'misleading' to consumers.

The amendment calls for it to be made illegal for plant-based products to reference dairy in any way, meaning phrases like 'dairy free' or 'creamy' could be banned. As well as affecting packaging, it could also impact climate footprint comparisons, where comparing the emissions to dairy could no longer be allowed.

The European Parliament has voted yes to the ammendement and it will next be decided by the EU Council of Ministers.

While it says its confident that people across the continent are able to distinguish between entirely different products, Oatly is double checking by asking the public to confirm.

A series of digital ads feature the responses of real people, from a study which lasted a week, and included 12 focus groups with people from 17 countries, aged 21-64.