Agency: NB Studio
Client: Anna
Date: Sep 2018
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Anna is a hybrid digital assistant that helps businesses with their financial admin. It is an app, a card and a business account. Anna uses a combination of people power and AI to support businesses. The brand needed to attract customers to the new product and get them to sign up and download the app.

Financial admin can be arduous, so the challenge was to create a brand that injected some joy into admin, and a digital assistant that users actually wanted to interact with. NB asked the question 'What does a good natured AI assistant look like?’

It was decided the assistant needed to be efficient, simple but also have some charm and humanity. Anna is about making time for people. More time for business. More time for fun, and the brand needed to reflect this. A warm colour palette was chosen to inject softness into the brand, and move away from anything too cold and technical.

Drawing inspiration from helpful handwritten notes and doodles that a human assistant might create, NB worked with illustrator Alice Bowsher to create a a series of hand-drawn characters, icons and phrases that could used across the brand and in the app. These illustrations are used to create moments of joy, whilst the rest of the brand remains simple, clean and functional.

A straightforward and concise tone of voice is used throughout the brand, avoiding any confusing financial jargon. The name Anna was chosen and stands for ‘Absolutely No Nonsense Admin’ reflecting the brands straight talking ethos.