Date: Mar 2022
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Unwanted bodily hair has become an unlikely resource to help save the planet, with skincare specialists Evolution of Smooth (EOS) teaming up with renewable resources provider Matter of Trust (MoT) to put fallen pubes to good use.

The hair-brained scheme builds on the expertise of MoT in redeploying stray strands in the fight for improved water filtration and nutrient retention by harnessing organic waste as compost in the fight against soil erosion and land degradation.

Rather than ask the public to scrape down sodden bars of soap and dig around bathroom plugholes, EOS will issue a pube pouch with free shaving cream and mailing instructions to ensure your waste ends up in a farmer’s field rather than the North Sea.

To further incentivize donations, EOS will hand over up to $15,000 to further support MOT’s crusade for every pube package received at its dedicated Pube Park in San Francisco.