Agency: Mechanica
Date: Sep 2018
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Audio technology company, iZotope, reached out to two amazing songwriters to show off the easy-to-use, mobile Spire Studio, which users can record, edit and mix eight audio tracks, simply by using a Spire and their phone or tablet.

The first episode of the campaign series, created with iZotope's agency of record, Mechanica, is titled ‘Inspired Collaborations,’ and features Merrill Garbus of Tune Yards and Chris Thile of Punch Brothers and Live From Here, showcasing the features and benefits of Spire Studio's innovative audio recording technology.

Spire's compact size and features make it highly portable, which sparked the focal point of the ‘Inspired Collaborations’ series, showing that Spire allows users to capture inspiration wherever new ideas spark. Together, Garbus and Thile were tasked to create one beautiful track together. They were given four hours to record a song, using only a Spire, their apps, and their creativity.


Client: iZotope

Agency: Mechanica

Creative Director, Mechanica: Libby Delana

Associate Creative Director, Mechanica: Stephanie Dehner

Sr. Art Director Mechanica: Fernando Pino

Producer & Director: Little Outdoor Giants

Editor, iZotope: Nathaniel Nose

Brand Director, Mechanica: Emily Grimes

Brand Manager, Mechanica: Ashley Campbell