Agency: McCann
Client: Verizon
Date: Jan 2019
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Verizon is honoring the people on the front lines of saving lives in a campaign that leads up to its Super Bowl spot.

The communications company is rolling out a campaign called ‘The Team that Wouldn’t be Here,’ a two-week initiative that kicks off with a 60-second TV spot during the AFC and NFC Championship games. The campaign highlights the real stories of 12 NFL stars. They include coach Anthony Lynn of the LA Chargers and 11 NFL players, all of whom experienced a life-changing situation – car accidents, childhood house fires, and devastating natural disasters – and the first responders who saved them. The name of the campaign is a nod to those who saved lives – if it weren’t for a first responder they would not be where they are today.

The films capture the stories of both the responders and the NFL players who were involved in accidents and life-threatening situations where first responders saved them.


Agency: McCann

Director (The Team That Wouldn't Be Here): Matt Ogens

Director (The Coach Who Wouldn’t Be Here): Peter Berg

Executive Producers: Peter Berg, Matt Ogens, Matthew Goldberg, Vic Palumbo, Brandon Carroll

Co-Executive Producer: Brian Murphy

Client: Verizon