Agency: Kindred
Date: Dec 2019
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To help parents this Christmas, Heathrow has unveiled a magical installation of periscopes at Terminals 2 and 5 that will allow children (and adults) to immerse, and witness, themselves of the inner workings of Santa’s incredible logistical feat for the very first time.

By peering through the periscopes, innovative 360-degree films will give passengers the chance to watch a range of elvish activity taking place right underneath them – with scenes from Santa’s Toy Factory, Department of Wrapping and Mail Room all acted out by Heathrow’s very own colleagues. The scenes reveal Heathrow’s long held secret: that Santa, like many others around the world, relies on the UK’s hub airport to get to where he needs to be during the holidays, and what’s more, has built his entire workshop right underneath Heathrow’s terminals.