The Drum Awards Festival - Extended Deadline

-d -h -min -sec

Agency: Isobel
Client: BrewDog
Date: Aug 2018
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Brewdog has embarked on its latest attack on rival brewers with a campaign targeting the endlines of Budweiser, Carling, Fosters and Stella.

Never the industry’s shrinking violet, Brewdog’s latest work directly criticises the taste of flagship drinks from four of the UK’s biggest beer brands.

The campaign takes the overall consumer scores of popular lagers from the website, juxtaposing them with the superior score given to Brewdog’s Punk IPA. The ads claim the Indian pale ale boasts a rating of 97/100, while Budweiser, Carling and Fosters score 0/100, 1/100 and 3/100 respectively.

The accompanying copy is a direct dig at the competitors’ ad slogans. Executions include ‘Wassup, Bud?’ and ‘Good Call, Fosters?’