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The San Francisco General Hospital Foundation (SFGHF) has partnered with Heat San Francisco to launch the 'I Am Their People' campaign on behalf of Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center (ZSFG).

The campaign will serve as a rallying cry to support those suffering from mental health issues, and raise awareness for ZSFG’s innovative, promising treatment programs. The campaign was born from the idea that individuals with mental health issues often end up without food, shelter and care because they lack anyone to turn to for support in the fight against a range of complex and nuanced challenges.

For 'I Am Their People' Heat created a short film and social content using real stories and real people. There are no actors in the spot – everyone has participated in one of the many programs at ZSFG or works at the hospital. The film urges the viewer to help those in need, become one of their people, and spread awareness of the movement through the #IAmTheirPeople hashtag.


Agency: Heat San Francisco

Client: San Francisco General Hospital Foundation