Agency: Elmwood
Client: Heineken
Date: Jun 2016
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Global brand design consultancy, Elmwood, has completed its latest project for Heineken with a radical redesign of its oldest premium Mexican beer brand, Bohemia.

The re-brand is the third piece of work delivered by Elmwood in the Mexican market, which continues to put Elmwood on the design stage as a global player.

Elmwood’s extensive immersion into the brand’s background and culture, highlighted a thirst amongst Mexican beer drinkers for a sophisticated and premium national brand to champion. This was a chance for Elmwood to revive Bohemia and create a brand that people of all generations would be proud to support. Throughout the creative thinking process, maintaining respect for the brand’s past was paramount, together with the need to conserve its authenticity.

In keeping with the new Bohemian point of view, Elmwood used marbled patterns to adorn the iconic gold-foiled tops. The patterns visually describe the sensorial experiences of the beers while also communicating the unexpected and authentic creativity in the brand story.

Elmwood collaborated with Mexican lettering artists ‘Lettres’ to redraw the Bohemia word marque. The task was to retain the distinctive character of the 'Bohemia' lettering but give it an authentic and contemporary Mexican flavour. The new marque celebrates the balance of perfection and passion that goes into the beer – the perfection is achieved through the consistent rhythmic uprights while the passion comes to life through the playful flicks that break out.

Meanwhile, the Emperor, who has been iconic to the brand since its launch, remained, but with a refreshed look.


Design Director: Oliver Mason

Additional Credits: Global Provocation Director: Greg Taylor