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Over the past decade, Portland, Oregon has seen an increasing number of deadly car crashes.

In this broadcast spot, agency Borders Perrin Norrander helped the Portland Bureau of Transportation speak to drivers by highlighting the fact that the victims aren’t the only ones whose lives are affected.

Shot in black and white and without any cars, this campaign aims to put full focus on the people involved in a traffic collision.


Lori Gaffney-CEO BPN

Rob Thompson-Executive Creative Director- BPN

Seth Conley-Senior Art Director-Freelance

Brian Houlette-Senior Art Director-Freelance

Jim Carey-Senior Copywriter-BPN

David Azrael-Copywriter-BPN

Emma Gessow-Producer-BPN

Matt Johnson-Account Executive-BPN

Nick Traeger-Director-Kamp Grizzly

Jared Evans-Editor-Kamp Grizzly