Date: Apr 2018
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This simple, voiceless campaign is titled 'BOX -> OBX.' 'OBX' is the Outer Banks' signature oval destination sticker, as well as the first three characters on all Outer Banks license plates. 'BOX,' of course, is what you might be in if you commute on smoggy eight-lane throughways or taxi through grid-locked city streets, if your eyes stay glued to a data-entry screen or you work late nights in a featureless complex.

The campaign's four 30-second spots, plus two cut-down 15-second films, show each of those scenes (or in related print, straphangers, office cubicles, and a booked-solid schedule planner) transformed into coastal tranquility, as the first two letters of 'OBX' switch place. Those, and the URL, are the tourism campaign's only written words. None are spoken.


David Oakley - CD/CW - BooneOakley

Jim Mountjoy - CD - BooneOakley

Laura Beebe - AD/Designer - BooneOakley

Steve Lasch - CW - BooneOakley

Laura George - Agency Prod. - BooneOakley

Claire Oakley - Account Dir. - BooneOakley

Katie Casella - AE - BooneOakley

Michael Wilfong - Editor/Designer - Wondersmith

Sound design: Groundcrew Studios, Charlotte, Hot Sake, Charlotte

John Causby - Engineer - Groundcrew

John Hausman - Engineer - Hot Sake

Harry De Zitter - Photog (scenic) - freelance

Olaf Veltman - Photog (scenic) - freelance

stock - Photog (urban)