Client: Apple
Date: Jul 2018
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Apple's latest film, ‘Memory’ dramatizes the struggle users have to recall each password using the metaphor of a high stakes game show. In it, a man sits at the end of a long, wide table on stage at a grand old theater, packed with people awaiting his every word. At the other end of the table is a quiz master in front of an intimidating gold box with an ominous red button. The quiz master gives the man one “final memory challenge – this morning, you created an online banking password. What is it?” The audience gasps.

The man then tries to recall the password, as the pressures of a ticking clock and crowded auditorium serve to heighten the moment. The man hems and haws, plumbing the depths of his memory, the quiz master reaching for the red button. As the clock ticks its final seconds, he looks down to his iPhone X, and Face ID automatically unlocks his app so he can finally breathe easy.

With the Face ID on iPhone X ad, the company hopes the password recall challenge can finally become a distant memory. The technology behind the front-facing TrueDepth camera creates a depth map of your face, making your face your secure password. With a simple glance, users can safely unlock their iPhone and quickly access their mobile apps easier than ever before.