Date: Apr 2016
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Guinness is introducing a new beer created for the next generation of Guinness drinkers – Guinness Africa Special. Marking the first major innovation for the brand from within Africa for over 10 years, Guinness Africa Special combines the distinctive character of Guinness with the vibrant identity of modern Africa. It contains a blend of natural African extracts to give a vibrant and distinguishing flavour, making it alive inside.

To support the launch Guinness is unveiling “Alive Inside” - an 80 second film that encapsulates this spirit. It will break in Nigeria and online and will be accompanied by an out of home campaign.

In the film, created by AMV BBDO, a vibrant Ankara pattern is formed by the energy and creativity of the artistes featured. It flows throughout the film, connecting the cast of talented young Africans with one another until finally forming the bottle itself.

"Alive Inside" features a wide array of incredible African talent - dancers, models, musicians, DJs and artists, from Nigeria, Kenya and Ghana. Some well-known, others unearthed; each performing their unique skills.


Creative Director: Mike Schalit

Art Director: Sonny Adorjan

Copywriter: Milo Campbell

Additional Credits: Agency Planner: Tim Whirledge

Agency Account Man: Sam LeCoeur, Samantha Morgan, Danielle Betts

Agency Producer: Greg Kates

Media Agency: Carat

Media Planner: Leela Thakur

Production Company: Nexus

Director: Kibwe Tavares

Production Company Producer: Jeremy Smith

Post Production Company: The Mill, Factory 15