The ad campaign to reposition protein ball Bounce as a food-to-go snack, boosting sales in key commuter retailers by 20%

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Protein ball, Bounce wanted to be known by more mainstream audiences – as a healthy on-the-go snack

Protein ball, Bounce wanted to be known by more mainstream audiences – as a healthy on-the-go snack.

After more than a decade spent sitting in the ‘health food’ aisle, Bounce eyed up a move to the mainstream, ‘the uzhe’.

With a mission to help consumers make healthier snacking decisions, every day, Bounce first needed to prove to convenience retailers that it belonged on the snack shelf of food-to-go stores across tube, rail, and bus stations… They needed a way-in that showed off what they’re all about.

Natural Strength

Bounce’s natural strength was its ability to fuel on-the-go – healthily.​

After sampling a few (hundred) of Bounce’s protein-packed energy balls we identified their natural strength as their ability to keep you full while on the go, providing you with a healthier alternative to chocolate or crisps (which lack any real nutritional value or substance).

S3 worked with Bounce to match these healthier choice credentials to a millennial, ABC1 urbanite audience, and in doing so worked to create a focused strategy for growing the brand.

We set about targeting commuter audiences across London, the area which indexed highest for Bounce’s target customer, with a high-frequency campaign that would connect the brand to the concept of ‘smart snacking’ and bring the idea into the everyday mainstream of our audience.

The Skills

Playing things simple yet effective: we produced a bold, colourful out of home campaign with catchy rhyme, rhythm, and wordplay across a media planthat allowed Londoners to see the brand and its messaging as many times as possible while on the go.

Bus supersides, taxis, tube and rail ads dotted across the length and breadth of London, covering key commuter routes, ensured the thought of ‘Grab a ball, grab a Bounce’ was unmissable.

Meanwhile, brand activations and online social content helped further associate the brand with mainstream lifestyle. When Bounce sponsored London Fashion Week, S3 worked with contemporary costume designers to produce a traffic-stopping dress made entirely from Bounce’s bright packaging. Jaw-dropping flamboyancy at its finest.

With our approach turning heads while debuting at the event, we began racking up a tonne of online content for the brand. To keep the momentum going, S3’s PR team then recruited the help of mainstream fashion and lifestyle social media influencers to promote the product, securing mentions from model Chloe Madeley and YouTube star Alfie Dayes.

By the end of it all, we had positioned Bounce at the epicentre of mainstream – a fake it till you make it approach, with bite.

The Success

A colourful campaign that enjoyed huge media overshow and value and boosted sales in target stores.

S3’s media specialists outdid themselves on additional value for this campaign – securing more than double the budgeted media spots at no extra cost – while the online campaign drove record-breaking social media and influencer coverage.

Combined, these Bounce Foods advertising campaigns gave the brand a sharp rise among its newly identified mainstream commuter audience and supported sales in the food-to-go stores it had set its sights on. Lush.