
By John McCarthy, Opinion Editor

September 28, 2017 | 3 min read

A charity campaign looking to fund live-saving cancer treatment for a 10-year-old girl has achieved substantial media coverage and the reach that affords by shocking audiences with the C-word.

Three-time cancer sufferer Isabella is fundraising a £200k trip to see a treatment specialist in the United States with the help of creatives in the One Minute Briefs community. Group founder Nick Entwhistle and Manchester based content agency Trunk worked to raise awareness of the illness and, more importantly, give Isabella a fighting chance.

In the creative the 10-year-old bravely confronts her cancer. Each time she says the word, it is censored in the video, playing with the idea it is more offensive than the other C-word.

Isabella’s godmother, Louise Chorley, is a member of the One Minute Briefs community that participates in daily advertising briefs on social media. She rallied the troops behind the cause, explaining: “I’ve been taking part in One Minute Briefs since 2014. I’m a graphic designer and I think it helps me to keep my mind sharp.

"In June or July this year, I found out that Isabella’s options for treatment in the UK are running out but that other treatments are available in America. When I heard that she’s going to need something like £200k to fund that treatment, I got in touch with Nick (Entwistle), the founder of One Minute Briefs.

"My idea was to ask him to send out a brief to come up with ideas to raise awareness and money for Isabella’s treatment. We were bowled over by the response. We were inundated with brilliant ideas.”

Entwistle, added: “We are all very proud to have worked with the amazing Isabella on this film. Her braveness, personality and, as you can see, brilliant acting skills are an inspiration to us all. The whole experience has been incredibly rewarding, from the original One Minute Briefs campaign through to the hard-hitting film we created at Trunk.

“We are proud to have produced such an impactful piece of content and we will do our very best to make sure it helps the family on their way to achieve their target of £200k to get Isabella over to America for life-saving treatment.”

The video has accumulated more than 5m views since it was posted on Friday and Isabella’s Just Giving page is also receiving donations.

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