
By Minda Smiley, Reporter

February 24, 2016 | 1 min read

National youth tobacco prevention campaign Truth has rolled out a funny video with a serious message: pets are two times as likely to get cancer if their owner smokes.

The video, called #CATmageddon, features some of the internet’s most famous cats and has been voted by US Creative Works readers as Ad of the Week.

In the tongue-in-cheek film, which stars celebrity pets like Keyboard Cat, viewers are reminded that internet cat videos could go away forever if smokers don’t realize the harmful effects smoking can have not only on their own bodies but on their pets, the environment, and even relationships.

According to Truth, one in three youth smokers will eventually die from tobacco-related diseases.

The ad, which aired during the 58th annual Grammy Awards, was created by 72andSunny. Assembly handled media planning and buying.

Ad of the Week Assembly Truth

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