
By John McCarthy, Opinion Editor

August 20, 2014 | 2 min read

The Radio Times will launch a special edition Dr Who animated, Blippar-enabled cover with its next digital issue to celebrate Peter Capaldi’s debut as the time lord this Saturday (13 September).

The new issue, available exclusively on Apple’s Newsstand for iPhone and iPad, will celebrate Peter Capaldi’s season opener with the animated cover which will provide plot clues for the first episode.

Included is an additional 68-page supplement, which will take readers through the show’s first decade, with third Doctor Jon Pertwee on the cover. It will feature an episode guide and will have a Dalek-building walkthrough.

On taking up the mantle of the Doctor Capaldi told the Radio Times: “I don’t know if it’s quite fallen into place yet. I think it’s a mistake to get it to click, to get into a groove. I’ve tried to avoid finding a way to do it and then just repeating that.”

“I’m trying all the time to see what works and what doesn’t work, though I’m trying to bring back some of the Doctor’s mystery and strangeness, which is hard to do given that the show is 50 years old.”

Capaldi added: “I’d never been in the police box before, apart from the wardrobe at home when I was a kid pretending it was a police box.

The special edition Radio Times digital issue is available for a promotional price of 99p.

Doctor Who and the Radio Times have had a long history of collaborating. The magazine won the PPA's cover of the century award in 2005 with a 'Vote Dalek' issue, to mark the return of the Doctor's iconic nemesis.

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