
By John Glenday, Reporter

July 1, 2014 | 1 min read

An advert conceived by Procter & Gamble to promote their Always feminine products brand has sought to shine a light on society’s gender preconceptions by exposing sexism's roots the roots.

This saw four women, a man and a boy asked to run or throw ‘like a girl’ to which they all responded by portraying a limp-wristed throw and flail their arms fruitlessly in front of the cameras.

When six young girls were presented with the same question however a very different response emerged; with each pulling out all the stops to put in athletic performances.

Producers of the ad believe that the experiment shines a light on the ingrained nature of sexism, asking why ‘like a girl’ should have become a derogatory term.

When confronted by their performances later the six original participants conceded that they had unwittingly been telling women that they are ‘weak and not as good’.


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