
By Noel Young, Correspondent

March 10, 2014 | 2 min read

This is a softly softly video featuring Google Glass (and was made without their cooperation) which delivers a deadly sting in the tail. The video, shot in London, has captured the attention of Adweek, the US magazine.

Google Glass videos are notable for their seamless first-person perspective, says the mag, "which puts you not only in someone else's shoes but in their eyes. You see what they see."

But says Adweek, " the empathy-rich form has being hijacked by a PSA effort—to show you something you wouldn't want to see in the first place."

A group of London creatives put together the unbranded video below for International Women's Day on Saturday, according to Osocio which describe itself as the "the best of non-profit advertising and marketing for social causes."

Adweek says the video has been polarising on YouTube so far.

"As awareness messages go, it is blunt and unpleasant—which is the point of all shock videos, although the trend lately, of course, is toward more uplifting and empowering work."

So what do you think? Does it do a job or is it just "gimmicky and gratuitous".