Viral Video Chart: DIY smartphone PhoneBloks beats iPhone to the top


By The Drum Team, Editorial

September 19, 2013 | 1 min read

The world's media may be focusing on Jony Ive's new iPhones, but a lesser known Dutch designer by the name of Dave Hakkens has shot straight to the top of this week's Viral Video Chart with his ingenious customisable smartphones concept.

The PhoneBlocks video introduces the idea of a new type of DIY smartphone that could last for life (and therefore be more eco-friendly) by allowing users to upgrade parts - or bloks - of their phone at a time rather than having to upgrade their whole device.

Hakkens' prototype certainly seems to have caught the imagination of the public, with the video amassing more than 300,000 shares in the last week. Apple's promo videos for its iPhone 5s and 5c devices, by contrast, languish in eighth and ninth position in this week's chart.


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