Big Mac

Ooh La La! McDonald's secret weapon to woo the French: The McBaguette


By Noel Young, Correspondent

February 24, 2012 | 2 min read

McDonald's is going native in France. The fast-food giant is to offer a burger served on a baguette, part of a wider effort to offer more local items in its restaurants and tap into a more upscale diner.

Meat the McBaguette!

So what do call this Big Mac rival: the McBaguette, of course.

For six weeks from April 18, the 1,228 McDonald's restaurants across France will feature the McBaguette, containing a burger topped with French-made Emmental cheese and mustard.

At the moment McDonald's special French offering is three limited-edition burgers featuring locally produced cheeses.

The McBaguette will replace these temporarily, says the Wall Street Journal, pointing out that France's national obsession is bread, with 98% of the population eating it every day.

That;s about 150 grams of bread a day, or roughly 55 kilograms a year. And the baguette is the hot favourite. A recent study found that 65% of the two billion sandwiches sold each year in France were baguette-based.

The McBaguette will be sold for €4.50, more than a euro above the average price of a sandwich in France . The baguette burger may be back if the initial six-week run is a success.

On Parisian shown a picture commented to the WSJ, "A baguette isn't square - but I would give it a try." Another said, "It looks good, and much healthier than McDo's regular burger."

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