IPhone Apple Foursqaure

Foursquare updates GPS feature 'Radar' to work offline in wake of ios5 launch

By Hugh Jordan

October 17, 2011 | 1 min read

Foursquare has updated a feature on its location-based service to prompt users with nearby places of interest, even when they are offline.

The update, launched on the back of iOS5, is called ‘Radar’.

Places of interest are recommended based on the user’s profile. So if you follow lists for food, movies or vintage shopping, for example, Radar prompts you with information about relevant restaurants, cinemas or vintage clothing outlets in your vicinity.

Prompts are also given based on information stored in a users ‘to-do’ list, and if your friends happen to be nearby.

In a blog post, Foursquare says: “Until now, we’ve focused around sharing what you’re doing and building expertise, with features like checking in, tips and recommendations.

Today, we’re super excited by what some of iOS 5′s newest features allow us to do.”

Radar is currently only available on Apple’s app store, but an update for Android will be available soon.

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