
By The Drum Team, Editorial

August 4, 2011 | 2 min read

The power of video! It seems like a crazy idea but it's come off for Ridley Scott and his colleagues. Enjoy a taste here ... and catch it if you can at a cinema.

But YouTube, working with British film makers Ridley and Tony Scott did it - and cinema audiences are now enjoying the fascinating 95-minute film.

YouTube invited its worldwide contributors to submit personal diary footage for one Saturday - July 24, 2010.

Director Kevin Macdonald (“The Last King of Scotland”) and editor Joe Walker then produced the movie from 4500 hours of video. Twenty-one languages are heard on screen. Wow!

As one commentator said , "If Macdonald and Walker actually looked at all the footage, it comes to 187 and a half days of nonstop viewing. I suspect the fast-forward and delete buttons got a big work out."

We meet a thief in Moscow. A female skydiver is photographed in exhilarating freefall. A Korean cyclist who has spent ten years pedalling around the globe talks to the camera in Kathmandu, Nepal. He tells us his goal is to see North and South Korea reunited in his lifetime.

The film was premiered at the Sundance festival It has now been released in the US after an earlier launch in the UK, with part of the proceeds going to charity.

If you haven't caught the film yet, here are two great videos to give you the flavour. The first is the invite/ the second is the actual trailer. Enjoy!!

NEAT NOTE: Playing the trailer on this site here in the US brings up local theatres and times for the movie at the top of the screen. Brilliant! However the film company tells me it wasn't possible for them to do this in the UK.


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