NABS faces up to £54,000 shortfall in donations from scottish industry


By The Drum Team, Editorial

August 13, 2004 | 1 min read

NABS has revealed that there was a shortfall of £54,000 last year between the amount Scottish benefitiaries received from the charity and what Scotland-based companies donated to the charity’s coffers.

Last year, Scottish industry people who had fallen upon hard times took £60,000 out of the charity in financial support, but Scotland-based media companies and individuals only donated a total of £6,000, which equates to just one tenth of what Scotland needs.

The recently appointed organiser for NABS, Hilary Svennevig, says that, ultimately, Scottish benefitiaries are being subsidised by England-based media companies and fund raisers at the moment.

She said: “There is only one media company in Scotland that makes an annual donation to NABS. People think that they will never need the help of NABS, but I know of a number of cases where people in well-paid positions needed financial support and emotional guidance. The initiatives that we run in Scotland need to be better supported by Scottish companies and individuals to ensure that NABS can continue to deliver the services it does.”


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