The Drum Awards Festival - Official Deadline

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Client: Cadbury
Date: Jan 2022
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In a playful twist on its iconic advertising slogan ‘how do you eat yours?’ Cadbury and VCCP London have devised a new campaign for the brand's annual Easter egg hunt. This year, Cadbury has hidden rare half white and half milk chocolate eggs which, if found, could win you up to £10k…only if you don’t eat them.

'How Not To Eat Yours', launched in the UK and Ireland, features two short films. In the first, viewers see a man running a relaxing bath at the end of the day. As he gets ready to have a soak and enjoy his Creme Egg, he realizes that he has chosen one of the limited-edition treats. To his dismay, his partner asks him not to eat it in case it's worth something and viewers are left wondering if he could resist the temptation or not.

The second ad follows a similar suit but shows a couple tucked up in bed. One of them has discovered a winning egg and attempts to fight the urge to consume the sweet snack.

Both films were written by Simon Connor, Stephen Cross and directed by award-winning director Jeff Low.