The Drum Awards Festival - Official Deadline

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Date: Apr 2019
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Saatchi Wellness has partnered with Calvary-St. George’s Parish to bring awareness to rising tide of homelessness amongst LGBTQ Teens in the US. As it stands, 40% of teens who come out to their parents are thrown out of their homes.

This led to the creation of the 'Thrown Out Flag', transforming the traditional symbol of LGBTQ pride. This worn and tattered symbol has been draped over the shoulders of LGBTQ teens with stunning photographs shot by their contemporaries. These photos have been placed prominently in OOH across the country, in addition to a large billboard in New York's Times Square.

Moving forward, the flags will be shipped to LGBTQ community centers across the country, giving them the opportunity to showcase their support for the cause. Made of discarded fabric in the traditional rainbow colors, it’s embraced by each teen in this outdoor poster campaign. Each stain, rip and tear represents their struggle. Each grasp of the fabric embodies their hope to find a new future of acceptance, tolerance and love.


Kathy Delaney, Chief Creative Officer, SSW

Scott Carlton, Creative Director, SSW

Carolyn Gargano, Creative Director, SSW

Purvi Naik, Associate Creative Director, SSW

Nell McGuire, Art Director, SSW

Linda Ellis, Senior Production Manager, SSW

Anjali Abraham, Account Director, SSW

Lauren Chan, Designer, SSW

Kip Langton, Copywriter

Oliver Adriance, Copywriter

Nam Do, Jr. Art Director, SSW

Luke Gargano, Photographer, Film Director, Editor