Agency: Phelps
Client: Natrol
Date: Jul 2017
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The launch ad campaign for Natrol Cognium plays up little everyday lapses that make a memory enhancer useful while mentioning extensive human clinical trials behind product development. Created by Phelps, agency of record for Natrol, the campaign strikes a lighthearted contrast in the emerging category.

Phelps found that Cognium’s intended consumers don’t want to turn back the clock; they just want to keep feeling like themselves. Hence the campaign line, 'Stay sharp. Stay you'. The 30-second spot, 'Sharp Susan', features 80s TV star Erin Gray (Buck Rogers in the 25th Century and Silver Spoons) moving through her house and putting away what her husband misplaced, including the tablet left in the fridge which becomes the screen for essential product information. She’s got everything under control as the voice of the consumer as well as the voice of the brand.

Meanwhile, print and banner ads beckon readers to “Remember the groceries on your list – without the list” and “call your grandkids by their right names – the first time.”

An aggressive ad run this summer covers national cable programs, SiriusXM Satellite Radio, a variety of digital tactics including geo-targeted banners and gamified rich media and a diverse range of lifestyle, health, and trade magazines.


Agency: Phelps

Client: Natrol

Product: Natrol Cognium