Agency: Ogilvy
Client: Samsung
Date: Feb 2022
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K-pop superstar boyband BTS has teamed up with Samsung in an evocative spot by Ogilvy to highlight the electronics company sustainability pledge while encouraging us all to be more eco-conscious.

Reminiscent of Bob Dylan’s iconic video for Subterranean Homesick Blues, ‘Galaxy for the Planet’ features Jungkook, V, RM, J-Hope, Jin, Suga and Jimin holding up cardboard signs gradually unveiling a call-to-arms in front of a set made up of fishing nets, washed-up plastics and video footage of the ocean.

Statements like ‘the oceans are drowning in plastic. Marine animals are suffering’ and ‘Let’s rethink the life of a product’ before somberly ending with ‘Let’s work together for a better future’ as the 7 musicians stand in line as the screen becomes awash with stunning flowers and greenery.