Date: Dec 2021
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Energy drink brand Monster has unveiled a short film detailing the true story of American freeski phenomenon Colby Stevenson’s 2016 nearly fatal car crash. Written and directed by filmmaker and fellow skier Clayton Vila, the video is an epic nine-minute emotional retelling of Stevenson’s brutal road to recovery.

The spot begins with Stevenson and a friend driving late at night in the pitch darkness through snowy mountains when, unfortunately, he falls asleep behind the wheel. The truck dramatically flips and veers off the side of the road and into a ditch.

Viewers are then taken on an emotional journey where the Olympic skier tries to recover from the sustained injuries and possible brain damage, which doctors fear could result in him never skiing again.

It’s an epic tale of human resilience, which ends on a positive note as the audience eventually sees Stevenson make a full recovery and get back out there on to the slopes.