Client: Syrmo
Date: May 2016
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Skateboarding is a sport that has barely changed in its 50-year history. In order to give a helping hand to those practicing the sport, McCann Madrid and Syrmo got in touch with them to find out their problems, their challenges, their needs.

Syrmo is a Smart Pad that skateboarders fit to the truck of their skateboard, it has electronic sensors that track every movement of the skateboard and connects to an App on their smartphones and records all the tricks in 3D. So the skater can see the tricks again (with all the details regarding height, angles, air time, pop force, number of tricks of the session, fails, learnings, statistics…) share them on social media, analyse tricks and improve them, beat rankings, beat your friends or other skaters and level up your position in the rankings, challenge friends to beat your records, choose new skateboarding routes and many more. In short, Syrmo is the biggest social network for skaters.


Chief Creative Officer: Monica Moro

Executive Creative Director: Jon Lanvin, Raquel Martinez

Art Director: Matias Ivan Visciglia

Copywriter: Miguel Moreno