Client: FDA
Date: Nov 2016
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Since most people are familiar with the classic fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs,"the FDA has put a harrowing spin on the children's story to warn teenagers about the dangers of smoking. In a short video created by FCB New York, a wolf wearing a leather jacket wreaks havoc on a small town of pigs when they see him walking through the streets. But when he tries to huff, puff and blow one of the pig's houses down, he's unable to since his lungs have been damaged and weakened due to smoking. Once the pigs in the town realize that the wolf is incapable of causing any harm, they continue to go about their day unafraid while the dejected wolf walks down the street holding a pack of cigarettes.


EVP, Account Management: Jeff Tarakajian

SVP, Account Management: Suzanne Santiago

VP, Account Director: Dimas Adiwiyoto

Account Supervisor: Mallika Rao

Director of Integrated Production: Leelee Groome

Producer: Maria Garelli

Executive Creative Director: Gary Resch

Creative Director: Liem Nguyen

Creative Director: Justin Chen

Art Director: James Meiser,

Copywriter: Cecile Robertshaw

Production Company: MJZ

Director: Carl Erik Rinsch

Producer: Kate Leahy

Editor: Jamie Foord

Editorial Company: Rock Paper Scissors

Music Company: Groove Guild (Producer) Pull Music and Stimmung

Visual Effects Company Lead Artist: Home/Colin Renshaw