Agency: FCB Canada
Client: Adidas
Date: Apr 2022
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Getting a space at a marathon can be difficult, with demand often far outstripping supply. Adidas is leaning on its sponsorship of the Boston Marathon to ensure neurodivergent athletes get their place at the race.

Runner321 refers to Trisomy 21 (tri-21), the medical name for Down Syndrome. Adidas has ensured that the 321 spot is secured each year for people with the condition, to ensure they too are represented.

The campaign is fronted by Chris Nikic, an Adidas-sponsored runner with Down Syndrome. He is set to compete at the marathon on April 18.

In an emotional voiceover, Nikic said: “When I was a kid, I rarely saw anyone who looks like me in mainstream sports ... And now, we’re changing that.”