Client: Age UK
Date: Dec 2017
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Age UK has rolled out a multi channel Christmas campaign in collaboration with Manning Gottlieb OMD and Drum, urging people to donate so that no old person feels as if Christmas is just another day of isolation.

The film 'Just Another Day' was conceptualised by Drum and directed by Philippe Andre as an extension of the ongoing campaign 'No One Should Have No One'. The spot portrays the life of an elderly man who follows a similar daily routine throughout the year without any human contact during festive seasons.

He yearns for some connection and affection as he leaves a voicemail recording on his phone, only for no-one to call or leave a message.

“It was very important for me to make this film for such a great cause," said Andre. "I truly hope people will be moved by the film and become more conscious about this massive problem older people are suffering from in silence and isolation.

"My goal was to recreate what is loneliness for older people - I truly think it will touch the audience.”

The ad will be supported across digital out of home, Age UK’s website and social media channels until 26 December.