Agency: Droga5
Date: Apr 2017
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Society has become so obsessed with wearables that even dogs now have their own personal activity tracking collars. To poke a little bit of fun at our fixation with tracking everything from steps to REM cycles, toilet paper brand Quilted Northern has created a bathroom visit tracker called uSit for April Fool’s Day.

Created by Droga5, the uSit belt purportedly collects bathroom data like frequency, duration and exertion levels. According to Quilted Northern, the tracker also lets users share progress on social media as well as challenge family and friends.

The device also “rewards” users with colorful badges when they meet their daily goals, and there’s even a feature called “Go Coach” that serves to motivate users during their tougher toilet sessions.

In a fake promotional video, the brand explains how uSit, the “world’s first biometric bathroom tracker,” can be incorporated into a person’s everyday life. (There’s even a uSit mini available for babies).

This isn’t the first time that the Georgia-Pacific brand has played a prank on April Fool’s Day. Last year, the brand rolled out a line of artisanal toilet paper called ‘Rustic Weave.’ In a promo video for the “tree-to-toilet” product, hipsters are seen making “hand pulped, hand perforated toilet paper.”