Client: Apple
Date: Sep 2017
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Apple is promoting apparently life-changing effect the company has had on users of its wearable tech.

Unabashedly named ‘Dear Apple’, it has released an ad that is literally a 2.5-minute love letter to Tim Cook and his empire. It features a diverse mix of Apple Watch users who have been so affected by the technology’s ability to increase their activity levels and improve their health that they took the time out of their lives to personally write a thank you note to the tech giant.

The film sees a “country boy from small-town Mississippi”, “a two-time Olympian”, “a 99-year-old world traveller” and more read their handwritten letters (not emails – letters) to the viewer as they go about their daily, more active lives.

Praise heaped on the brand includes “with Apple Watch I’m becoming a better version of myself”, while some fans tell stories of how the tech has literally saved their lives. One man notes how the SOS feature helped him call for help when he was injured in a car crash; her reads his story from inside a battered, overturned car.

The spot is accompanied by a soundtrack of cinematic, sweeping violins. Apple claims the whole ad is read by real customers sharing the actual stories they shared, because ‘People reach out to Apple all the time to say how Apple Watch is helping them live healthier lives’.