Class of 2021 Exhibition

Final Undergraduate Project (SP4b)

Imogen Alexander

Art Direction, Arts & Crafts

Work illustration

Inspired by Wabi Sabi, I set out to exacerbate and immortalise the imperfections of found materials by embellishing their visual traces, which most would opt to disguise, and accentuating the personality embedded within the snags and stains of each fabric. The resulting forms strike a fragile equilibrium between dilapidation and rejuvenation – evoking an obscured sense of familiarity within the viewer. By showcasing these peculiarities, I seek to emulate this strange sense, and invite the viewer to speculate for themselves the journey each fabric has undergone to arrive in its current state.

Work illustration
Work illustration
Work illustration
Work illustration

Imogen Alexander

Captivated by the physical and tactile qualities of materials, I am endlessly searching for new ways to play with and manipulate fabrics. Most recently this has manifested in a fascination with distressed fabrics. Intrigued by their faults and flaws I set out to interrogate these further; questioning the events that led to their neglected appearance and pondering the stories these marks may hold. Inspired by Wabi Sabi, the Japanese notion of embracing the beauty in imperfections, I set out to exacerbate, perpetuate and immortalise these unique snags and stains, whilst also embracing the new marks accumulated through the making process. By embellishing the visual traces of each material’s journey in this way, I intend to celebrate the quirks most would opt to disguise, and accentuate the personality of each fabric, which is engrained within these blemishes.