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TBWA\MCR and Papyrus, Prevention of Young Suicide, has launched a campaign to help protect children from cyber bullying and harmful online content.

Although social media can be a positive influence in young people’s lives, it can also be used as a cyberbullying tool, and children can easily access pro-suicidal content. Bullying no longer stops when children get home, and children have access to all sorts of content at the tap of a button. These insights have supercharged our campaign platform, Papyrus commissioned TBWA to create a thought-provoking and educational campaign that would make people take notice.

Continuing on from the innocent Bedtime Stories narrative, Bedtime Stories Chapter II was born. Papyrus and TBWA\MCR have created four unique stories with a dark thread. Each one tackles a slightly different aspect of cyber safety, dark tales ending on a positive note.

Critically acclaimed actor Michael Sheen OBE, actress Julie Hesmondhalgh, former Love Island star Anton Danyluk and actress, author and singer-songwriter Carrie Hope-Fletcher gave up their time to support the Bedtime Stories project and narrate the stories.


Client: PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide

Marketing Director: Lisa Roxby

Agency: TBWA\MCR

Executive Creative Directors: Gary Fawcett, Lisa Nichols

Art Director: Lewis Dunlop

Copywriter: David Ryan Jones

Producer: Cassie Johnson

Planner: Rebecca Brett

Account Manager: Alison Bristow

Director: Richie Lattin

Production Company: Sting Films