Date: Apr 2021
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Unleashed full-time from his fiery pits, after finding love on, Satan is once again making hell on earth with his new role at Mint Mobile's 'competitor' Big Wireless.

Another hit from Ryan Reynolds production company, Maximum Effort, the mockumentary-style ad sees Satan wreaking hell at the generic mobile provider. "Finding love on Match inspired me to look for other ways to be happy," Satan candidly tells the camera, as he works at his desk that's decorated with a dead desk plant and a human skull.

"So I took a new job at Big Wireless. These guys torture people on a whole other level. I'm learning so much!"

An ode to bad business, since taking up his role, Satan is seen adding policies that exploit Big Wireless' customers, as the brand works to outperform Mint Mobile. "It's been a real addition to the team. Prices are up. Hold times have doubled and some fees are so hidden, we can't even find them," reveals Tim, vice-president of 'fee hiking'.