Client: Her Oscar
Date: Mar 2018
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Gender discrimination plays out at different levels in Hollywood. Only 4% of the top films in the last 13 years have been directed by women, making the industry one of the most sexist in the world.

Females are barely represented in the field; 22% producers, 11% writers, 7% directors and 1% composers, and the ones who finally make it, still have to deal with fewer roles, less speech time on screen, the struggles of obtaining higher positions and with an existing unfair pay gap between genders.

The world is not looking away anymore, and a team of creatives who fight against social injustices identified the Academy Awards Ceremony as the best opportunity to put gender injustices in the spotlight, by turning their most iconic symbol, the Oscar statue, into a woman.

Her Oscar is not simply a female version of the famous award, it’s a winner but yet strong woman, a symbol of equality and a new shape to ignite a conversation. An opportunity for a fair, equal and more diverse film industry where both genders can be the protagonists of the story and get equally rewarded.


Belén Aragón

Paula Gete-Alonso

Rodrigo de Castro

Joao Unzer

Loipa Ramos

Belén Márquez

Rodrigo Moran

Marcelo Forlani