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Dutch insurance company Centraal Beheer and DDB & Tribal Worldwide, Amsterdam have launched the latest ‘Just Call Us’ spot ‘HULK’, featuring Hulk Hogan himself. ‘HULK’ is the 60th commercial in 30 years of Centraal Beheer’s iconic ‘Just Call Us’ campaign.

In this latest film, we see Mark, Margreet and their two sons on holiday in America. The family visits one of the busy piers along the coast, only to see a street thief snatch away Magreet’s bag. Luckily for them, the pickpocket is spotted by impressive beefcake Hulk Hogan. But does he come to rescue, or steal the show? The commercial was filmed in Hulk Hogan’s hometown of Clearwater Beach, Florida, with the usually quiet Pier 60 given a tourist makeover. The 63-year old wrestler and actor who put ‘Hulkamania’ World Wrestling Entertainment on the map was only happy to attend the shoot for a full two days.

Just like the ‘Just Call Us’ commercials before it, the commercial was developed by advertising agency DDB & Tribal Worldwide, Amsterdam and follows the consistently tongue-in-cheek format that’s lasted 30 years.


Executive creative director: Dylan de Backer

Production company: In Case of Fire

Director: Sven Super

Producer: Yuka Kambayashi, Arjan Easterfeather

Business director: Milo van der Mejj

Client: Marteyn Roose, Peggy Spaapen, Karin Wekema, Ellen van der Horst