Client: Corsodyl
Date: Dec 2019
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Mouth care company Corsodyl has gone beyond the usual ‘person brushing teeth in mirror’ oral hygiene commercial by building its message on Twitch.

The GSK brand met the challenge of reaching a younger audience by having streaming service Twitch build a retro 8-bit game/commercial, essentially gamifying gum care.

In the 30-second animation, a knight character is ready to go out on a quest, holding his sword aloft and boasting a bright white smile. The voice over, which sounds a lot like Patrick Stewart, says “You may feel like an invincible adventurer…” but there’s one status that even a max-level hero shouldn’t ignore – bleeding gums when you brush.

The hero is then shown with the possible complications of gum disease, including fighting off an ogre with a cloud of bad breath, receding gums, and embarrassing tooth loss, as the knight is shown with a tooth falling out.

The solution – brush with Corsodyl and keep bleeding gums at bay.